About Me

My name is Bethany Huebner and I believe I was made by God to create deep and meaningful relationships with people in order to positively impact their growth and success.  I have been blessed to find myself in many roles in order to accomplish this passion. 

I’m a clinician.

I have been a physical therapist for the past 15 years working in a local outpatient private practice.  I, like many past and future PT students, knew I wanted to be a physical therapist back in high school after experiencing an athletic injury and being healed by a physical therapist.  I was fascinated by the ability of the clinician to prescribe simple movements that made all the difference in my pain and mobility.  

As a 3-sport varsity athlete in high school, I continued my passion for athletics in college, playing Division 2 volleyball.  I kept my head down during college and made the best grades I could, pushing forward to my dream of becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapy.  In 2009, I graduated and headed straight into residency to continue to pursue excellence for my patients.  I loved (and still do love) sports and knew that was the population I wanted to work with.  As a Board-Certified Sports Clinician, I was happy, impacting my patients' lives daily.  I also loved the little old ladies just as much as my high-level athletes because creating connections with people and providing compassionate care fuels me. ​I’m an educator.

I'm an educator.

All through high school, undergrad, and graduate school, there never once was an inkling that I was going to all of this school (7 years post-high-school) to become something other than a physical therapist.  PT was (and still is) my passion.  Helping others is all I ever wanted to do.  But life had another path for me to find.  During residency, I was afforded the opportunity to be an adjunct in a first-year orthopedic physical therapy class.  That was all it took….I was caught…hook, line, and sinker.  Seeing students process information and have the “Ah-ha” moments energized me.  Creating relationships with students and encouraging, educating, and energizing them on their path to excellence has been the most rewarding part of my career.  And, oh yeah, the TEACHING!  I LOVE TEACHING!  I love everything about it—the prepping before lectures, the question writing, the advising students, the research, etc.  I truly feel blessed to have found a career where I can fire on all cylinders.  I’m passionate about using design and technology in the classroom to engage my students. I hope to inspire them to be the best clinician, coach, confidant, and friend to their patients and colleagues. 

I’m a mom.

I am first a wife…then a mom.  But, honestly, these roles hit me smack at the same time.  When I got married in 2010, I immediately became a mom as well…a step-mom at that.  All my life, I grew up watching fairy tales and petrified of the evil stepmother….and here I was at the age of 26, becoming the evil stepmother.  I’m pretty sure I can say that because I think, at some point, both of my girls would agree they felt I was.  Being a step-parent has mostly not been easy, I think, for a lot of reasons due to my insecurities, immaturity, and ignorance.  Despite its difficulties, reward and growth have truly been a part of this journey.  My husband and I decided to add to this life’s messiness with a little boy.  Being a part of the journey for my 8-year-old son from the start has been such a wonderfully tiring experience. 

I really haven’t found the answer book when it comes to managing all of these roles.  Clinician. Educator. Wife/Mom.  I have read books on parenting, treating patients, teaching pedagogy, and even how to juggle, but nothing has been the golden ticket….yet.  I never thought I would attend PT school to become a professor, but here I am.  I never thought I would be a mom of a 26-year-old, a 23-year-old, and an 8-year-old at the same time, but here I am.  I never thought I would have the opportunity to positively impact the world, but here I am.  If you sometimes feel this way, I hope you can find some encouragement and peace waiting for you right now.  I share my journey with you because I have felt comfort in experiencing life in parallel with others.